Photo Albums
The Saw Mill
Saw Mill & Log Pond
Logs in Pond
Saw Blade in Saw Mill
Large Ponderosa Pine Logs staged for sawing at the Phillips Brothers Mill. 8/8/2013
Gregg Hendrix uses a chain saw to cut a path in the log for the upper saw hub to pass.  8/8/2013
Gregg Hendrix uses a chain saw to cut a path in the log for the upper saw hub to pass. 8/8/2013
Big happenings at the mill.  New pond liner and support walls.
The Box Factory
Ready for Shipping
Enjoy gift boxes
For Our Guests
Old Case Traction Engine
Large Ponderosa Pine logs staged for sawing 8/8/2013
Oil cans
J.Case Threshing Machine Tractor
Machine Shop
Mill interior
Mill Boiler
Big Saw Blades
Looking back at the mill.
Mill from the rear
I believe this is your mill? Believe when these were taken it was Bishop Brothers Mill?